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“Ocean xxy” opens up a fantastically colorful galaxy of exquisite gemstones in shades of blue and green. The eternal stones glitter like dancing waves in the sunlight and embody the infinity of the sea. In combination with the complementary colors pink or orange, the glamorous pieces of jewelery create a tension that magically attracts everyone's attention like a sunset over the sea. The expressive, exclusive masterpieces are inspired by unique underwater creatures: Colorful seahorses, octopuses, crabs and fish invite you to express your own shimmering individuality - detached from time and gender.

"Ocean xxy" opens a dreamy colorful galaxy of exquisite gemstones in shimmering shades of blues and greens. The everlasting stones sparkle like dancing waves in the sunlight and embody the infinity of the sea. In combination with the complementary colors pink or orange, the glamorous jewelry creates an exciting tension similar to a sunset over the sea from which you can't draw away your eyes. The exclusive masterpieces are inspired by unique underwater creatures: colorful seahorses, octopuses, crabs and fish invite everybody to express their own dazzling individuality free from time and gender.



Ocean xxy Oysters

Ocean xxy fish

Ocean xxy sea stars

Ocean xxy seahorses

Ocean xxy Urchins

Ocean xxy crabs

Ocean xxy crabs

Ocean xxy octopus

Ocean xxy charms